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Female Pattern Hairloss

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Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL)

Female Pattern Hairloss is a concern that affects both genders and can stem from various sources, such as genetic factors, environmental conditions, and health issues. Here are some common causes. At PRIDE GLO Skin & Hair Aesthetic Clinic, we prioritize identifying the underlying reasons before starting any treatment plans. Many of our patients present with androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness, but we take the time to explore any other contributing factors or coexisting conditions for those who come to us for help with hair loss. We generally use trichoscopy for diagnosis, although a biopsy may be performed if needed. Furthermore, we acknowledge the role of micro-nutrient deficiencies, especially in women, and recommend blood tests when it is deemed necessary.

Recently, there has been a noticeable rise in this phenomenon, likely indicating a higher prevalence of hormonal disorders such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) among individuals. Hair loss typically manifests in the frontal region, resembling a Christmas tree shape, and may occur with or without a receding temporal hairline. This specific hair loss pattern calls for a comprehensive assessment and often demands ongoing treatment after the initial phase has effectively halted hair shedding.

Female Pattern Hair Loss Treatments

Scalp Microneedling: This treatment is an effective first-line option utilized in our Clinic, in conjunction with topical agents. Scheduled over a period of 6 to 12 weeks, based on the degree of hair shedding, this procedure aids in managing hair loss and encourages regrowth. It is suitable for both men and women experiencing hair thinning and has been creatively developed in-house, demonstrating considerable potential. After completing the initial treatment cycles, maintenance typically involves the use of DIY topical applications.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy: This treatment method activates hair stem cells, promoting hair rejuvenation and leading to enhanced hair density and thickness. As a novel and advanced approach, it utilizes the patient's own blood to produce growth factor-rich PRP.

Medical Management: Our expertise lies in effectively addressing various cases of hair loss, particularly when topical or adjunctive treatments have proven inadequate. Frequently, based on the extent of hair loss, these medical interventions may be commenced in conjunction with adjunctive or topical therapies.

Low Level Laser Therapy: Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of this treatment in promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss. Nevertheless, it is considered an adjunctive therapy and is typically insufficient as a sole treatment option.

Why Choose PRIDE GLO for Female Pattern Hair Loss consultation ?

Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL), also known as androgenetic alopecia, is a common condition affecting many women worldwide. Characterized by thinning hair on the top and crown of the scalp, FPHL can significantly impact self-esteem and quality of life. Choosing the right clinic for consultation and treatment is crucial for effectively managing this condition. PRIDE GLO Skin and Hair Aesthetic Clinic is a leading choice for addressing Female Pattern Hair Loss, offering a unique combination of expertise, personalized care, and advanced treatment options.

At PRIDE GLO, the consultation process includes a thorough evaluation of your scalp and hair health. This may involve detailed patient history, scalp examinations, dermoscopy, and, if needed, blood tests to check for hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, or other underlying conditions. This comprehensive approach helps identify the exact cause of FPHL, ensuring that the treatment plan addresses the root of the problem.

Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL)
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Selecting PRIDE GLO Skin and Hair Aesthetic Clinic for your consultation on Female Pattern Hair Loss is a step towards finding a reliable ally in your quest to regain your hair and self-assurance. With a committed team of specialists, cutting-edge treatment choices, and a tailored approach to your care, PRIDE GLO delivers the thorough support essential for effectively addressing FPHL. Whether you're just beginning to notice hair thinning or facing more significant hair loss, PRIDE GLO is equipped with the knowledge, technology, and empathetic care to help you reach the best results possible.